May 2006 NLP Practitioner is done!
Wow. This past week has been a real trip!
Just wrapped up presentation of my first NLP Practitioner training with my good friend and co-trainer Kathy Jones. It has been a blast and everyone learned so much.
I think my favorite was whenever the participants really got into it. Some were subtle and just dove into the exercises. Others were very vocal that “this stuff is really scary/powerful/ubiquitous/exciting…”
I’ll have to ask Kathy how she feels about this latest batch of NLP “monsters” we’ve unleashed on the world and what grand things she expects from them! They have become who/what/how/when/where-wolves — and they’re loving every minute of it!
And now I am left with paperwork and about 10 hours of video to digitize and edit for the DVDs. I need to do the final edit on the audio from the “Intro to NLP” course so that you can benefit from it too!
Plans are forming for our next training late this summer.
Reserve your spot soon as we expect it to be sold out!
As Kathy says: “Call/write now.”