Archive for May, 2009


Stop Waiting for Your Ideal Life

Do something.

This is important enough for your future that I need to shout it.


No, it doesn’t matter what you do at first. The mere fact that
you’ve taken action and started moving is the important thing.
Once you’re moving then you can adjust where you’re headed.
Yes, that may be contrary to what other people have told you.
Focused action is important, but if you aren’t taking any action
then focusing isn’t the issue.

Today’s message is about breaking free of whatever is keeping
you stuck. Too many people focus on “doing things right” and
never get around to doing anything let alone doing the “right

I don’t know whether your first action needs to be …

  • Setting your goals and making a plan.
  • Or maybe you have a goal and are just having trouble staying on task and being productive.
  • Or maybe you work better when you’ve fully committed and invested enough that you have to make it work.
  • Or maybe you need to change the conversation going on in your head and the way you interact with other people.
  • Or maybe you just don’t know what the steps need to be to get where you want to go.

Only you know what needs to happen.
Or maybe you don’t — and that’s why you’re still stuck.

So here is my suggestion:

Invest in something. It is amazing the difference it makes in commitment when you are investing “skin in the game.” Most people devalue information that they get for free. However, investing thousands of dollars has a way of prompting action and with a wise investment you’ll also be learning more “right” actions.

Do you know who you want to be? What you want to do? What you want to have in your ideal life?  And do you have a plan laid out for getting that ideal life? Walking through the Six Steps for Change process will allow you to answer these questions.

And what about communicating? All that junk that happens in your head and all that junk you let happen in conversation can go away. All it takes is some specialized knowledge. If you want to improve your communications sign up on the right to be in the know when my latest project comes to fruition. I’ll make it worth your time. I promise.

Whatever your situation and goals you need to take action now. I recommend taking some action, investing in your ideal life, then hanging on for the wild ride! What will you create with your actions today?

Posted by Wayne Buckhanan | 1 Comment »