I mentioned that I was putting effort into a new morning routine lately and someone asked what it involved. Considering that I have not historically functioned well in the morning the first step is merely consciousness earlier in the day.
I was reminded that I had put together a blueprint for an average "ideal" day. (When I wrote this a few months ago the kids were not sleeping well through the nights so it quickly felt more like fiction than anything attainable at the time.)
As I prepared to post this I realized that part of my previous struggles with establishing a routine or a schedule is that it felt so constraining and rigid — which is antipathetic to how I live and work.
The distinction I’d like to introduce is that of ritual rather than routine. For me the idea of a ritual brings up a quick flash of OCD quickly replaced by those sequences typically associated with mysticism. Whatever your particular beliefs they almost certainly include a set of prescribed actions that prepare you to receive miracles or epiphanies. I don’t know about you, but that really energizes me — by performing these rituals in my daily life I am inviting and preparing space for things bigger than myself! Of course, this all starts with regular sleep as a foundation on which the rest of my day, and therefore my lfie, is built.
What rituals do you have in your life that lead to things bigger than yourself?
What routines do you perform now that could be turned into rituals by a quick shift of intent?
What miracles and epiphanies can you imagine coming from these rituals?
With that in mind, here is my draft of an ideal work day.
Ultimate Scenario | Personal Ritual(s)
0600 wake, water in/out, "on ramp"
0610 8 brocades, reeling silk, breathing, stances
0625 kettlebell heavy swings, snatches
0640 water, crudus, vitamins, shower
0700 review editorial calendar, create content piece
0720 review daily/weekly calendar, MIT, Big Rocks
0725 "off ramp"
0745 kids up, ablutions, dressed, play
0815 family worship
0830 leave house (plow, etc)
0930 at desk writing
1120 water in/out, kb GTG snatches
1130 email, voicemail
1230 at desk writing or in lab
1400 water in/out, kb GTG clean/press
1410 at desk writing or in lab
1545 water in/out, walkabout
1630 email, voicemail
1730 head home
1830 family time
2000 pickup, put away w/kids
2010 kids bedtime ritual
2050 pickup, put away
2100 dinner
2200 read, review, revise calendars/tasks
2300 review calendars, tasks, prep (food, etc) for tomorrow
2320 wind down
2330 in bed, inducing sleep